To Biovie Or Not To Biovie- In the Wake of Unusual Alzheimer’s Trial Results

By | November 29, 2023

I have a few shares of a tiny biotech called Biovie(BIVI) that got much tinier this morning after they released results of a phase 3 Alzheimer’s trial for their NE3107 drug candidate. Trial failures are normal, they happen, and it’s why I have for many years bought biotechs in baskets. However, the company’s announcement of trial results is… Read More »

Mt Carmel Public Utility- A Tiny Dark Utility Stock

By | November 1, 2023

What’s the smallest publicly traded utility in the US? Though it’s dark and expert market only, I believe the answer is Mt. Carmel Public Utility(MCPB). It is a tiny electric and gas utility serving Mr. Carmel, IL. It traded by appointment prior to the ridiculous SEC reg on dark stocks, and now trades only on the expert market.… Read More »

Nothing To See Here- Sitestar/Enterprise Diversified, Steven Kiel And The Case Of The Disappearing Management Team

By | May 15, 2019

Is it unremarkable for a company’s CEO, COO and a Director to all resign within a two day period? Steven Kiel seems to think so. Kiel is the largest shareholder and once again CEO of the company formerly known as Sitestar, now known as the boringly generic Enterprise Diversified(SYTE). The company changed its name to reflect its disastrous… Read More »

Two Vast And Trunkless Legs Of Stone- A Requiem For The Once-Great Sears

By | November 1, 2017

“The stores are creepy,” said shopper Chris Angelos, with few customers, a limited selection and whole sections closed off in the cavernous location near her home in Gurnee, Ill. The 69-year-old said she shops there anyway because it lets her avoid crowds and park near the front door. Articles about the impending death of Sears Holdings(SHLD) are beyond… Read More »

Cadus(KDUS)- Sometimes, The Value Never Comes

By | September 29, 2017

One of the earliest stocks we wrote about here, eleven years ago, was Cadus(KDUS).  We spoke about it as an “eighty cent dollar”, trading below cash. Sometimes that works out very well, and sometimes, not so much. This would appear to be a case of the latter. Cadus stock, which was trading at $1.50 back then, is now… Read More »

Did Floyd Mayweather Get Knocked Out In Real Estate, As TheStreet Claims?

By | September 28, 2017

“Floyd Mayweather Got Knocked Out in Real Estate By Not Taking a Mortgage” screams the headline on this article at the The article would have us believe that the billionaire boxer has made a huge mistake by paying for a $26 million Beverly Hills mansion in cash, rather than taking out a mortgage. Some celebrities have chosen… Read More »

Disney(DIS) Hopes To Buy All Of EuroDisney(EUDSF) And Again Bail Out Struggling Company

By | February 10, 2017

If all goes according to plan, in June 2017, Disney(DIS) will take full ownership of Euro Disney(EUDSF) and finally end the embarrassing cycle of public bailouts and recriminations from minority investors. As recently as 2015, Disney owned just 40% of Euro Disney. A bailout that year increased its stake to 77% and led to an outcry from investors… Read More »

Ron Johnson’s Ghost- J.C. Penney(JCP) And Macy’s(M) Finally Settle Martha Stewart Litigation As Both Firms Struggle

By | February 3, 2017

For those who thought the Ron Johnson era at J.C. Penney(JCP) was long over, a reminder this week that the results of his disastrous 17 month tenure continue to linger. Johnson was fired in 2013, but, despite strides under new CEO Marvin Ellison, the company remains a shadow of what it was prior to Johnson’s tenure. Incredibly, Johnson… Read More »

Steven Kiel Continues To Enrich Himself From The Pockets Of Sitestar Shareholders

By | January 30, 2017

I have made no secret of my displeasure with Steven Kiel. Having never faced a vote by Sitestar(SYTE) shareholders, Steven Kiel became a Board member through a settlement and CEO when the Board fired previous management. He then added his supporters to the Board, sold shares to his fund and his friends at below market prices. This massive… Read More »

Avis Budget Group Fights To Hold Back SRS Investment

By | January 30, 2017

One year ago, in announcing an agreement with SRS Investment Management, Avis Budget Group(CAR) CEO Ronald Nelson had nothing but praise for SRS. We are pleased to welcome Brian to the Board and are confident that the skills and expertise that he and the other new independent director will bring to the Board will add valuable insight as… Read More »